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Hurricane going to sea | Rept Battero made a new appearance at the 2023 Indonesia Photovoltaic Energy Exhibition
Hurricane going to sea | Rept Battero made a new appearance at the 2023 Indonesia Photovoltaic Energy Exhibition
2023/5/7 23:00:00
Hurricane going to sea | Rept Battero made a new appearance at the 2023 Indonesia Photovoltaic Energy Exhibition

Hurricane going to sea | Rept Battero made a new appearance at the 2023 Indonesia Photovoltaic Energy Exhibition

As the largest and most influential environmental protection energy exhibition in Indonesia, this exhibition has gathered top brands in the global energy field to conduct in-depth discussions on issues such as solar energy and energy storage technology upgrades, energy transformation and sustainable development. One of the important wind vanes of the new energy industry.


At the exhibition site, Rept Battero products and booth received great recognition and attention from the guests. The booth design with a strong sense of technology and efficient and reliable product performance attracted many customers to stop for consultation and conduct detailed business negotiations and technical exchanges. , the flow of visitors is endless.

Liquid-cooled energy storage system shines

In the past year, according to incomplete statistics, there have been more than 30 fire accidents on the energy storage track, which has aroused concern in the industry. At present, safety is still the primary concern of energy storage products, and building the cornerstone of product safety is still the core competitiveness of energy storage companies. From the perspective of products, the occurrence of energy storage thermal runaway accidents is not only related to the design structure and material system of the battery itself, but also inseparable from the thermal management at the system level.

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With liquid cooling as the core, Rept Battero officially launched the Y52 liquid cooling energy storage system and completed the product layout ahead of schedule. The Y52 liquid-cooled energy storage system has the following advantages:

Consistent temperature control: centralized refrigeration, multi-stage pipeline, parallel flow channel design, container temperature difference 3°C;

·Upgrade and expansion: use 306Ah, 320Ah batteries to increase capacity iterations;

High-density integration: 3.7MWh/20HQ; 7.6MWh/40HQ; pre-installed design, overall delivery;

·Long-range service: use special batteries for energy storage, with a standard cycle of 10,000 times and continuous operation for 20 years;

Three-level architecture: three-level BMS architecture of master, master, and slave, compatible with local EMS functions and various mainstream communication protocols;

Multiple fire protection: "3+2" fire prevention and control measures;

·System safety: DC5000V withstand voltage without flashing, multi-layer disconnection protection mechanism, electric box IP68 protection, pipeline 1000h high temperature reliability assessment; thermal runaway strict enterprise standards far exceed UL standards.

Household/power storage batteries are highly sought after

As the TOP3 in the domestic energy storage field, battery products are the foundation of Rept Battero. The 50Ah battery exhibited at this exhibition will open up the household energy storage market once it is launched, and quickly become a star product in the industry. Now it has become the mainstream product of household storage in Europe and America. The increased capacity of the 72Ah battery not only increases the capacity, but also increases the number of cycles to 6,000.

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In terms of power energy storage, the 280Ah battery series products have also firmly occupied a place in the high-end market. The upgrade to 320Ah large-capacity power batteries will be equipped with Rept Battero "Top Top" technology to achieve extreme creation. This product will come out soon, in line with GB, UL, IEC and other domestic and foreign standards, so stay tuned.

Helping "Double Carbon", "Electricity" Brightens the Future

Invited by the organizer, Hong Jia, Director of Overseas Marketing of Rept Battero, gave a keynote speech on "China's Lithium Battery Enterprises Going Overseas Strategy" at the exhibition forum on behalf of the company.

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Under the background of the global zero-carbon transformation, the lithium battery market has evolved into a trillion-level market track, and new energy batteries have fully entered the TWh era. Since its establishment, Rept Battero has participated in the global compete. Relying on Tsingshan Industrial's solid international enterprise foundation, coupled with its global large-scale manufacturing experience and operating experience, Rept Battero competitive advantage in the new energy track is highlighted.

Rept Battero is committed to providing stable and high-quality products. Through strict quality management and localized team building, intelligent green factories can achieve the same quality production capacity replication in many countries and regions.

In China, Rept Battero has reached a production capacity of 32.7GWh, and is simultaneously constructing the third phase of Wenzhou, Foshan base, Rept Battero Jiashan base, and Chongqing base. At the same time, the construction of the Indonesian base and the European base will also be started in the future. By 2025 , the total production capacity of zero-carbon batteries will exceed 150GWh to meet the needs of customers in different application fields at home and abroad.

Adhering to the entrepreneurial spirit of Tsingshan Group from 0 to 1, Rept Battero has always adhered to the concept of globalization and high-quality development, set an example in the industry, helped the rapid development of the new energy global market, and promoted the scale of clean energy and zero-carbon technology It is committed to becoming an important promoter and contributor to achieving carbon neutrality and addressing the challenges of climate change.

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